Saturday, March 31, 2012

Representing Data and Counting by 2's

representing the number of people in this class
 This week we looked at representing data that we collect, either showing how many or reporting on our data. The children revisited a few favorite counting games, and when it came to counting eyes, we learned how to count by 2 or skip count!

Until Next Time,

How can you show how many people are in this class?

sharing our work

many different ways to show how many!

representing data

a new game, grab and count

representing how many eyes in our classroom

a motivational game of "fish"

so much to learn when we play to keep the cards to ourselves, how to ask someone whose card we can't actually see.....

waiting a turn

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Formal Operations!

 "If I have 5 crayons, and some are red and some are blue, how many blue or red crayons could I have ?"

If I roll two dice and add up the dots, then I color in the block that corresponds to that number.

"John built a wall with two blocks and a bridge with four blocks. How many blocks did he use altogether? Show your work."

double compare. These two cards equal......

and these two cards equal......MINE

build and remove. Start with 10, roll the 123 dice, subtract, and write the number you get

Thursday, March 15, 2012


an interesting story
 We wrote our own story problems in math this week. After some practice, the children were given the opportunity to write their own stories, illustrate them, and then find actors and act them out. We also learned to write number sentences for addition and subtraction.

Until Next Time,
math fun

working hard to illustrate our work

here's my story

reading the story about ninja tornadoes

two children went to school......

here's a large group!

two cats that were stuck in a hole

here's my story with blocks......7

take away 1 leaves.......

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Counting is MORE than NUMBERS

playing a number game that is "racing"
 The kindergarten mathematicians continued with number work; rolling dice to make pieces move, measuring length of feet and body parts with unifix cubes, and counting items in a bag (more than 10) and showing the count. The trick was in the showing of the work, as we are still learning how to make numbers face the way that they need to, as well as what the numbers 11-20 look like. To add to the challenge, the children have been asked to work in pairs, which will be an ongoing learning experience as you can see from the pictures!
bear in a square

racing bears

using number sense to measure our "feet"

inventory bags

measuring  length

measuring length