Friday, November 22, 2013


 We started the week with a walk to observe patterns in our school. The children recorded their observations in drawing and words to share with later. We talked about patterns, and what makes a pattern with a cube tower of eight cubes. A favorite observation game to play was "what's missing?" with a tray of objects. The children became very skilled at hiding an object under the cloth and guessing what was missing.

Until Next Time,

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Measuring and Comparing

 We created a unit of measure, ten cubes, and used it to compare to objects. Were they shorter or longer?

counting objects to "take inventory"

What happens if it's the same length?

a serious game of "compare" where the value of numbers is all that matters!

the piles are growing!

 We read the book Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henke, and then compared the lengths of our names with hers and with each others'. We found out that we have six names that have six letters in them! AND we loved knowing that 13, the number of letters in Chrysanthemum's name, is half the number of letters in the alphabet.

Until Next Time,