We've begun a new unit, and we'll be practicing our observational skills, and our discussion skills, as well as noticing skills. The children took a walk through the school, having discussed beforehand that they might look very closely, and sketch what they see, so that they might share their observations with the group. We were very quiet as we walked through the halls, and we noticed a lot of shapes, words, artwork, and patterns. Some of the children wrote words for their observations, some of them sketched shapes and then pointed to their sketches as they described what they had seen, and some combined their writing and sketching skills to create pages of what they had seen. We introduced a new game called "what's missing" which required memory and turn taking. It was difficult when 2 items were hidden at once! Finally, we've completed our number writing book, having written the numbers 1-10. Celebrate 10!
Until Next Time,