Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Pattern Museum

p.s. so many wonderful teachers at this school!!
 The Kindergarten Pattern Museum is a culminating celebration of lots of work for kindergartners. The k's construct a display of their pattern pieces and included letter work and patterns in their drawings. We talked about being "docents" in our own museum, and invited our first grade peers and teachers and staff to view our work. The kindergarteners were impressive in their poise and knowledge, and enjoyed the attention and questions.

she noticed that her hair had a pattern!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Games and Patterns

 We played a "what's next?" game in k math, and the children created patterns, then covered up the last bit, and we had to guess what was under each cup. It wasn't easy! But once we understood the concept, it was fun to challenge our friends to figuring out what was hiding. We continued to construct paper and glue patterns, and talk about all sorts of patterns together.
Until Next Time,

we continue to construct pattern snakes with pattern block cut outs.

this good sport is not looking! while a pattern is being made

up for the challenge!

Friday, November 16, 2012

and more patterns!

sharing the patterns we made!

weaving with's all about patterns

We continue to look at, think about, and practice patterns in kmath. The children have been creating patterns with stamps, blocks, and paper and pen. We play "can you do this?" pattern games and the children try to follow a 3 or 4 motion pattern with me. When we read stories, we talk about what comes next, according to the pattern in the story. Soon we'll be "recording" our patterns to share them, as well as breaking patterns according to their units.