The children added some new math games to their repertoire this week, grabbing and counting amounts and showing their work, rolling dice and coloring in corresponding numbers, and using a "ten frame" to count numbers that they had rolled. There was a lot of interest and enthusiasm for game playing! It was interesting to watch the progression of number recognition; suddenly six dots became "6!" and that number was colored on the page. We finished writing our number books and the children shared them with eachother. Finally, we practiced writing the number 9, which, we discovered, starts in its own corner. Until Next Time, Michele
The K's began playing games this week in math. We rolled dice and colored columns of numbers, grabbed and counted how many we had grabbed, and continued to construct our counting books. The counting jar continues to be a choice every day, and the children are independent in completing the activity. Our yes no question survey gives us a lot of data, as you can see by the picture! That's me, I'm the only one who was wearing a watch :o)
Now that we are getting to be experienced counting kindergartners, we are constructing a counting book to show what we know. The children have been provided with a variety of materials including paint, stamps, stickers, markers, pencils, and pages numbered 0 through 12. There is a challenge to keep pages together and ordered as well as showing a representation of each number. The finished products will certainly be colorful! Until Next Time, Michele