Kindergarten math in it's early stages is about following a routine, getting to know the math materials, and valuing the power of our math minds! The children take attendance by counting each day, sometimes constructing a block tower, sometimes counting, and then we participate in a group activity. We have described attributes and found objects that matched with at least one attribute. We played a game of sorting people in which the children were grouped according to one attribute and then we all tried to figure it out. The attribute might be wearing the color green, or wearing crocs, or wearing sneakers. We'll continue with these math concept explorations through the year. The children are also given a large space of free choices with the math manipulatives. Later in the year, there will be games to play and rules to follow, but we've found that offering this free choice gives the children space to truly explore materials which they are then ready to count, categorize, sort, and follow rules with.
Until Next Time,