Thursday, February 7, 2013

Using Numbers!

toss the chips

making designs that follow rules

making designs with six tiles

racing bears includes a lot of counting!

early enthusiasm for the game!

This week we were introduced to number notation as well as decomposing numbers in different ways. The children played games such as "racing bears" and "toss the chips", both of which asked in a playful way for numbers to be made into parts. For "toss the chips" the children had a set number of chips with red/yellow sides, and would toss them and count how many yellows and how many reds out of the total, and record their answer. In "racing bears" the object is to race bears along a column using dice to move them, and gather buttons as each bear reaches the end. We also constructed designs of a number of square tiles using a one inch grid, and needed to follow rules; sides needed to touch and the design needed to hold together as one shape.

Until next time,

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