The first question that we ask is "What is data?" and then we realize that it's information. A collection of information. We drew pictures of our lunches and chose our favorite item, and then worked to group the favorites coherently so that we could compare them. Our next collection of information involved asking Yes/No survey questions to each other and then throughout the school. The children made predictions, as in "I'm going to ask a question that everyone is going to say yes to!" (and yes, they did-she asked "Do you like friends?") We used either tally marks or writing out names to collect our information, according to how many people we might ask. When all of the data was collected, we counted up yes and no and compared them, and added the numbers to get a total of people asked.
This work is very exciting and motivating to the kindergartners! One child even used a strategy for counting up his big numbers-marking each tally as he counted. I'm very proud of these kindergarten mathematical thinkers!
Until Next Time,
poised thinkers..... |