Friday, March 31, 2017

Survey Questions....

A favorite each year with kindergarten mathematicians is the "survey question" activity. We talk about keeping track of data, and then think of a yes/no question that we can ask. A clipboard, pencil, and walk around the school elicits a lot of data-and the children enthusiastically ask their question again and again. Some of the questions were "Do you like snowcones?" and "Do you like hamburgers and fries?"  and "Do you like video games?"

I like to ask the children if they are surprised by their results-especially if someone says "no" in answer to their question. (They always are surprised when someone has an opinion that differs from theirs).

Until Next Time,

1 comment:

  1. Make sure that the objectives of your survey are well defined. This is the most important step that should be the first order of business when creating a survey strategy.
    Good Survey Questions
